My storage is out and i cant expand "There was an error retrieving some of your account information"

The problem has been here for a long time and I have had it in the forum here before, but have not been able to fix it. After I extended my storage from the free version, I haven't been able to see how much storage I've used, or what storage I'm paying for. Now there is a problem, as I have been told that the storage is full (in Zotero app). I cannot expand the storage in any way, as the error message "There was an error retrieving some of your account information. Please try again in a few minutes." seems and the update wheel just spins.

Hope someone can help me.....
Have submission soon, so big problem if Zotero fails....

Best regards,
  • Do you get an error even loading your storage used when you go to your storage settings, or just when you try to purchase?

    I don't see any issues with loading your storage data.

    If it's only after trying to purchase, this is generally a problem for our payment processor charging your card.
    If you have a different card you can try that, or email us at with details and we can help debug or try a different payment method.
  • Hello and thanks for the response,

    It applies on the website under "Storage" settings in general.
    After I bought payment the first time, I have never been able to see consumption or which subscription I have.

    That means I won't get any chance to upgrade at all....

    The red error-line on the top with "There was an error retrieving some of your account information. Please try again in a few minutes." is there permanently, and have been there since i do the first purcase.
  • If you go to this page, what does it say next to navigator.language on the second line?
  • navigator.language: no
  • I`m from Norway, so Norwegian
  • Hello again,
    Now I have discovered an important thing.

    I have tried to log in with 2 different machines (work enterprice and private) both with Chrome and Edge browser. The result has been the same, with the error message.

    Yesterday I tried with the mobile phone (iPhone), and there I got all the information correctly and performed the upgrade.

    The difference between these two platforms (PC / phone) lies in the navigator.language. On PC in both browsers on both machines it says "no", but on the phone it says "nb-NO".
    "nb" is one of two dialects in Norway, and is used by 90% of the population. Everyone in Norway knows "nb-NO".

    Based on that, "no" should be the same as "nb-NO".

    I have tried to switch between the 3 Norwegian languages found in the browser, but navigator.language ends up with "no".

    Hope you manage to fix the error, as it is problematic to only see information about storage on the phone.....!

    With kind regards
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