urgent technical issue

I am contacting you regarding a big technical issue I am facing now, I am trying to add a new citation I am facing this error message (you have modified this citation since Zotero generated it, editing will clear your modifications. do you want to continue? if I clicked on ok it will delete all the old Bibliography and some old citations. If I clicked on no I can't add any new citation
Please help me otherwise I am gonna lose all the data
  • change to another place then insert the citation?
  • @rahaf91: From the screenshot you sent, it looks like you may have just accidentally typed within an existing Zotero citation. If you modify a citation in the document, Zotero can't update it unless you reset it, and resetting it would wipe out the typed text.

    Make a copy of the document, use the plugin's Unlink Citation option to flatten the text, reset the citation in the original document, and then copy and paste any text from the flattened document back into the original document and reinsert any citations that need replacing.

    The bibliography doesn't matter — you can just insert that at the end whenever.
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