TRID Transportation Research Board database translaator.

edited December 4, 2022
For example see:"Accident Reconstruction Journal"#/View/1957119

With the split-screen display there may be no way to capture the metadata even with a sophisticated scraper but I have hopes.


This may not be worth the effort because (as I know) one can tick-box selected articles and then save them as RIS to import into Zotero.


  • edited December 4, 2022
    I was just going to ask: is the quality of the RIS decent? That would also make a translation easier to write
  • The quality is excellent with one exception with one significant exception: some (but not all) of the page ranges are preceded with "pp." One more thing, the RIS doesn't include the language nor the ISSN. I think that I have convinced them to include those but I don't think that the PP will be edited out of their records nor the RIS.

  • Yes, those are easy to clean up. Issue created here:
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