Reference Number of Deleted Citation blocked in the document
I have deleted a citation which was previously assigned IEEE reference No. 82 in the document. I have removed the citation from library and bibliography and also from the bin. It no longer shows on the document or the reference list. But reference no. 82 has been blocked. It assigns next citation reference no. 83 although 82 no longer exists. Refresh also doesn't assign 82. Now 82 shows as a missing reference no.
but both citations still shows at same number 82.
Here is the debug report for the citation field 82:
(3)(+0000008): Integration: style.processCitationCluster(({citationID:"5Ie5Qe4b", properties:{formattedCitation:"[82]", plainCitation:"[82]", dontUpdate:true, noteIndex:0}, citationItems:[{id:"9uu8qcjc/CNERgzPy", uris:[""], itemData:{id:2064, type:"webpage", title:"(PDF) Data is more than knowledge: Implications of the reversed knowledge hierarchy for knowledge management and organizational memory", URL:"", accessed:{'date-parts':[["2022", 11, 13]]}}}],
I believe dontUpdate has been turned true. I am trying to update it in word using Crtl+Shift+F11 but it is not updating. Some sort of update lock has been placed by zotero
No other work around or solution worked.
I believe its a bug in zotero which you may like to address.
Thanks for your help, anyways