Reference Number of Deleted Citation blocked in the document

I have deleted a citation which was previously assigned IEEE reference No. 82 in the document. I have removed the citation from library and bibliography and also from the bin. It no longer shows on the document or the reference list. But reference no. 82 has been blocked. It assigns next citation reference no. 83 although 82 no longer exists. Refresh also doesn't assign 82. Now 82 shows as a missing reference no.
  • Debug ID is :D574341410
  • Part of the deleted citation may be left behind. You can either toggle Word field codes to look for the field code and delete it or temporarily switch to an author-date style (e.g., APA), delete the leftover citation completely, and switch back to IEEE.
  • I have tried both toggling and switching to APA
    but both citations still shows at same number 82.

    Here is the debug report for the citation field 82:

    (3)(+0000008): Integration: style.processCitationCluster(({citationID:"5Ie5Qe4b", properties:{formattedCitation:"[82]", plainCitation:"[82]", dontUpdate:true, noteIndex:0}, citationItems:[{id:"9uu8qcjc/CNERgzPy", uris:[""], itemData:{id:2064, type:"webpage", title:"(PDF) Data is more than knowledge: Implications of the reversed knowledge hierarchy for knowledge management and organizational memory", URL:"", accessed:{'date-parts':[["2022", 11, 13]]}}}],

    I believe dontUpdate has been turned true. I am trying to update it in word using Crtl+Shift+F11 but it is not updating. Some sort of update lock has been placed by zotero
  • I think you misunderstood what I was suggesting. You need to find and fully delete the 82 citation in the document. Toggling field codes or switching to APA would help you do that. The debug output shows that there's still a citation for 82 in the document, which you likely accidentally edited to be mostly hidden. Based on that output, you should be able to toggle field codes and search for "BW392TN7" to find it.
  • The problem was that I had replaced citation No. 82 with citation No. 68. For some odd reason, citation no. 82 was locked at the backend of zotero. I had to delete citation no. 68 to get rid of locked citation no. 82.

    No other work around or solution worked.

    I believe its a bug in zotero which you may like to address.

    Thanks for your help, anyways
  • edited December 3, 2022
    Most likely what happened here is that you manually edited the citation, and then when Zotero prompted you whether you wanted to keep your edit or revert it and allow Zotero to continue updating the citation, you said to keep your edit. That's what the "dontUpdate" means. So then 82 couldn't be reused, because there was still an 82, even though the visible text was different.
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