“Delete Automatic Tags in This Library” option is disabled

I want to delete all automatic tags but the check button appear disabled (grey color). Why?
Thanks in advance
  • It's disabled if there are no more automatic tags in the library.
  • Thanks for answering. So why do I see a large number of tags that I did not put? All the items I have in the collection were downloaded using the Zotero extension in my browser.
  • No need to speculate.

    - If you click on an item with one of the tags and look in the Tags pane, are the tags blue or orange?

    - If you disable "Show Automatic" in the tag selector menu, do the tags disappear?

    - If you go to Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript and run this, what's the result?

    return await Zotero.DB.valueQueryAsync("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT tagID) FROM itemTags JOIN items USING (itemID) WHERE type=1 AND libraryID=1");
  • If I:

    - If you click on an item with one of the tags and look in the Tags pane, are the tags blue or orange? : Nothing happens, no color change

    - If you disable "Show Automatic" in the tag selector menu, do the tags disappear?: If i disable "Show Automatic" no tag disappears.

    - If you go to Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript and run this, what's the result? The result is: ===>0<=== (number)

    I don't understand
  • edited November 15, 2022
    Nothing happens, no color change
    The icons in the item Tags pane have a color. They're either blue or orange. Automatic tags are orange.

    But it looks like you have no automatic tags, which is why this option is grayed out.

    Note that tags created via an import from a file (e.g., RIS or BibTeX) would be manual tags, even if you didn't create them yourself, because Zotero has no way of knowing where a tag in a file came from. That includes clicking on a RIS/BibTeX/etc. file and having the extension auto-import it. You'd only get automatic tags if you saved via the toolbar button.
  • I think that what happened was what you are explaining to me now, that is, the tags were already in the references when I downloaded them from Pubmed. Now, my question is the following: is there a way to remove all those tags quickly? There are many tags and it would be very difficult to have to mark each tag and delete it. Is there a way to mark all the tags at once and delete them?
  • I’d like to know as well… I want to tag manually to help me with managing my research… but it takes forever to remove tags I didn’t want
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