[Solved] Is there a way to change the name of the pdf tabs to be the first authors name and year.
Often I identify items by their first author and year; I don't remember the full titles of the article. Therefore, when I have lots of pdfs open in Zotero I cannot identify the pdfs easily. Is there an option to change the pdf tab title automatically to the author + year? If not, do others think this would be a good plugin idea or feature request?
Perhaps some way to pick what is shown on the tab. Could be a preferences thing.
I just changed the setting. I noticed it didn't change the names of the PDFs I already had open. I thought maybe it didn't work. I then opened a new PDF and realised it worked.
I wonder if it is worthwhile mentioning to users that the name change will not impact currently opened PDFs?
Not a big deal though. Thank you again :)