Edit a citation style

Hello everyone,

I try to edit a style to add a line break before a field (DOI) when the quote is exported but I don't how to do... Here an exemple :

The citation is
"Horn, D.; Barrientos, A. Mitochondrial Copper Metabolism and Delivery to Cytochrome c Oxidase. IUBMB Life 2008, 60 (7), 421–429. https://doi.org/10.1002/iub.50."

And I want to do this
"Horn, D.; Barrientos, A. Mitochondrial Copper Metabolism and Delivery to Cytochrome c Oxidase. IUBMB Life 2008, 60 (7), 421–429.

But automotically for all the citations (I have around 200 in my document...).

Thank you in advance !

  • We'd need to know which style you're starting with, but basically adding
    display="block" to the line that prints the DOI would work.
  • edited October 31, 2022
    a sample item with format of json:

    "id": "http://zotero.org/groups/2295063/items/YM9BVWN6",
    "type": "article-journal",
    "abstract": "Recent years have shown a tremendous increase in consumer demands for healthy, natural, high-quality convenience foods, especially within the fish and seafood sector. Traditional processing technologies such as drying or extensive heating can cause deterioration of nutrients and sensory quality uncompilable with these demands. This has led to development of many novel processing technologies, which include several mild technologies. The present review highlights the potential of mild thermal, and nonthermal physical, and chemical technologies, either used alone or in combination, to obtain safe seafood products with good shelf life and preference among consumers. Moreover, applications and limitations are discussed to provide a clear view of the potential for future development and applications. Some of the reviewed technologies, or combinations thereof, have shown great potential for non-seafood products, yet data are missing for fish and seafood in general. The present paper visualizes these knowledge gaps and the potential for new technology developments in the seafood sector. Among identified gaps, the combination of mild heating (e.g., sous vide or microwave) with more novel technologies such as pulsed electric field, pulsed light, soluble gas stabilization, cold plasma, or Ohmic heat must be highlighted. However, before industrial applications are available, more research is needed.",
    "call-number": "12.811",
    "collection-title": "自然科学A",
    "container-title": "Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety",
    "DOI": "10.1111/1541-4337.12876",
    "ISSN": "1541-4337",
    "issue": "1",
    "journalAbbreviation": "Compr Rev Food Sci F",
    "language": "en",
    "license": "15.365",
    "note": "_eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/1541-4337.12876",
    "page": "340-370",
    "source": "Wiley Online Library",
    "title": "Mild processing of seafood—A review",
    "URL": "https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1541-4337.12876",
    "volume": "21",
    "author": [
    "family": "Abel",
    "given": "Nanna"
    "family": "Rotabakk",
    "given": "Bjørn Tore"
    "family": "Lerfall",
    "given": "Jørgen"
    "accessed": {
    "date-parts": [
    "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  • Two things:
    1. You can't combine diplay elements with second-field-align elements in the same citation style
    2. The DOI is in a macro, so that won't work. If you remove it there and just add it to the bibliography with the display element (and remove the second-field-align="flush") that'll work.
  • It works, thanks.

    However, there is an unnecessary empty line, and the tab space after the citation number was removed.


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/hovs40xvi7tyx33/display block.png?dl=0
  • I don't think you can get rid of the empty line when using display="block"
    You can get the tab back by using the other display elements, as per the example in https://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/specification.html#display
  • ok

    Is there another solution to generate a line breat for some text.
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