Linked attachment based directory for Google drive


I have a folder to store linked attachement
Google Drive recently changed its default path. So Linked attachment based directory from GoogleDrive is changed from /Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Zotero/
/Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Zotero.

I have changed the Linked attachment based directory accordingly. but I still got this error.
The attached file could not be found at the following patusernameh:

/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Zotero/Rao et al. - 2000 - Motivational Beliefs, Study Strategies, and Mathem.pdf

It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero, or a Linked Attachment Base Directory may be set incorrectly on one of your computers.

Thank you in advance for your time.

  • That would happen if the base directory wasn't set properly before (possibly on another computer) and your files are just still stored based as absolute paths.

    We have an update coming soon that will help you recover from this automatically (basically, looking for missing files within the new LABD), but for now the easiest option is probably to just use Zutilo to batch-change the paths, and then set the LABD properly.
  • Thank you! I can use Zutilo to set the LABD for each pdf one by one. Are there any ways that I can do it for all pdf at one time?
  • No, the point is to use Zutilo to batch-change the paths. You can replace the entire prefix.
  • edited October 20, 2022
    nvm I figured out I need to change the directory in Zotero AND ZotFile
  • The base directory defines where Zotero *looks* for files, not where they're saved. By default, Zotero always saves files to its own storage folder as attachments. If they're saved as links to a different location on your HD, you have that set up in the ZotFile add-on.
  • ah, thanks for explaining that too.
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