Zotero API Documentation?

I hope that the answer to this isn't "RTFM and go FAQ yourself", but I think that I made a reasonably diligent search for documentation on the API and came up essentially dry (even poked around the SVN site a bit).

I can figure a lot of stuff out by reading the source code, but this is a little tedious and even minimal documentation for the API would be a help. Does such a document exist?

I was hoping to run a JS documentation tool on the source, but it the source code formatting does not seem to lend itself to the task.

My ultimate goal is to build an extension to allow Zotero to function as a specialized Enterprise 2.0 collaboration tool.

Speaking of collaboration, a quick skim of the stuff in the Zotero.Integration.* namespace looks mighty interesting ...

BTW, for anyone hoping to build an extension, the hello world example is ideal.
  • Unfortunately the source code is about as good as it gets for API documentation at the moment. We're planning to transition all comments to JSDocs-2 syntax in the near future and generate web-based documentation (and someone in the community is working on just that, I believe), but it's not done yet. In the meantime, feel free to pose questions on the dev list.
  • Is this still the state of play?
  • There is some documentation available for developers

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