Footnotes, endnotes, Roman numerals and Arabic numerals all mixed up!
Report ID: 2146316862
Hello. I just tried to change my footnotes to endnotes and somehow created a huge mess I can't figure out how to fix. I did it the same way I always do: From within the Word document, I went to Zotero/Document Preferences, and clicked on "endnotes." Somehow, some of my footnotes converted to endnotes, switching to small roman numerals, and other footnotes stayed as footnotes on the individual pages but with arabic numerals. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to which ones converted and which ones didn't. Then I tried changing (in the references settings) the endnotes to arabic numerals. That made an even bigger mess because now some numbers have both an endnote and a footnote but for different sources! It is such a mess and I so worried I won't be able to maintain the integrity of my sources. Please help! Thank you.
Hello. I just tried to change my footnotes to endnotes and somehow created a huge mess I can't figure out how to fix. I did it the same way I always do: From within the Word document, I went to Zotero/Document Preferences, and clicked on "endnotes." Somehow, some of my footnotes converted to endnotes, switching to small roman numerals, and other footnotes stayed as footnotes on the individual pages but with arabic numerals. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to which ones converted and which ones didn't. Then I tried changing (in the references settings) the endnotes to arabic numerals. That made an even bigger mess because now some numbers have both an endnote and a footnote but for different sources! It is such a mess and I so worried I won't be able to maintain the integrity of my sources. Please help! Thank you.
Try changing back to footnotes, then change to an in-text style like APA or Chicago (author-date), then back to the note style.
After that, you can change your note numbering formatting with the Word settings for that.
If you only see numeric references in the text you have a divfferent problem.
Reference Tab in Word --> Click on the little arrow in the corner of the Footnote section --> Select "Number Format"there.
We've never seen this greyed out and Zotero styles don't lock anything in Word as far as I'm aware.
Here is my workflow:
I only converted Roman to Arabic numerals AFTER deleting all the ZOTERO encodings.
The way to do it is to go to the first endnote, right-click, select "note options", choose the correct "number format", select "whole document" and press "apply".