Reorganizing all collections and subcollections - how to do best?

After years of sometimes sloppy use of Zotero I want/have to reorganize the whole collections-subcollections tree.
Is there any way to see/print the whole expanded view of all collections/subcollections to be able to plan a new structure?
Has anybody else with the same task been successful and how?
  • Click a collection and press + on the keyboard to expand all collections.
  • I know this function, but it brings only a part of the collection into my view. Even if I expand the area for the library collection as much as possible to the right, the rest of the collections remains below and outside the browser window and does not appear as a second column like in Windows Explorer.
  • Take some screenshots and view them side by side?
  • Yes, that is a solution I was thinking about also as a last resort, but I thought there might be a simpler way.
  • A simple translator can export the collections to an HTML file, but @dstillman I'm getting "Zotero.write is not a function" on line 78, any idea why?
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