

I have created a stylesheet using the CSL style editor.
I am trying to finalize my stylesheet. However when I submit the sheet on CSL Validator, it seems that my stylesheet contains 15 errors...
I don't have much knowledge in CSL, so I can't correct my errors. Would it be possible for you to check and correct the errors on my stylesheet or at least help me to understand how to correct it.

How can I submit the style sheet to you?

Thanks in advance,
  • and share the link here.

    Otherwise, if this style is for a journal/uni and fits the requirement for the repository, you can submit there and we review/fix on GitHub. (
  • Thanks for your quick answer.
    I submitted the code of the stylesheet on GitHub: Create Turcica.csl

    Thanks again,
  • that hasn't come through yet. It should be on the top here:
    I assume you only added the style to your local branch and not submitted a PR.
  • If you're struggling with this for more than 5min, probably easier for you to just share the code via and then I'll fix the style up and submit. ;)
  • Yes, it's my fault, I hadn't created a request.
    I created a query 2 hours ago.
    My account name is: LucasCDF
    A user has already started to answer my request.
    The user name is : POBrien333
    Is it you?

    Thanks again,
  • edited September 23, 2022
    Let's continue there.
  • Very well, I will modify my file taking into account your remarks on github. And I'll send the file back once the modifications are done
  • edited September 23, 2022
    I send you back the style sheet, I managed to make some changes but there are still some errors.
    Here is the new corrected style sheet (hoping I didn't add any new errors) :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style class="note" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="sort-only" xmlns="">; <!-- This style was edited with the Visual CSL Editor ( -->
    <title>turcica.csl </title>
    <title-short>turcica.csl </title-short>
    <link rel="self" href=""/>;
    <name>Hélène Morlier </name>
    <name>Lucas Equinoxe</name>
    <macro name="short-author">
    <names variable="author" suffix=", ">
    <name form="short" sort-separator=","/>
    <macro name="author">
    <names variable="author" suffix=", ">
    <name suffix=")" initialize="false" name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" ("/>
    <macro name="first-name"/>
    <macro name="editor"/>
    <macro name="year-date">
    <if type="book" match="any">
    <date date-parts="year" form="numeric" variable="issued" suffix="."/>
    <macro name="locators">
    <label prefix=", " variable="locator" form="symbol"/>
    <text variable="locator" form="short" prefix=" "/>
    <macro name="page">
    <if type="article article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper" match="any">
    <if match="any" variable="locator">
    <text variable="locator" prefix=", p. "/>
    <else-if type="article article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper" match="none">
    <text variable="page" prefix=", p. "/>
    <macro name="collection">
    <group prefix="(" suffix=") ">
    <text variable="collection-title"/>
    <text variable="collection-number" prefix=", "/>
    <macro name="title">
    <if type="book" match="any">
    <text variable="title" form="short" font-style="italic"/>
    <else-if type="article" match="none">
    <text variable="title" form="short" quotes="true"/>
    <macro name="translator">
    <name suffix=" trad, " initialize="false" name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" ("/>
    <macro name="page-bibliography">
    <if type="article article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper chapter" match="any">
    <text variable="page" prefix="p. "/>
    <macro name="Title-bibliograpphy">
    <if type="chapter" match="all">
    <text term="in" font-style="italic" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
    <names variable="editor">
    <name suffix=")" initialize="false" name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" ("/>
    <label form="short" prefix=" " suffix=", "/>
    <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" suffix=", "/>
    <text variable="publisher-place" suffix=", "/>
    <text variable="publisher" suffix=", "/>
    <macro name="publisher-place"/>
    <macro name="publisher-place">
    <if type="book" match="any">
    <text variable="publisher-place"/>
    <macro name="publisher">
    <if type="book" match="any">
    <text variable="publisher" form="short" suffix=", "/>
    <macro name="publisher-place">
    <if type="book" match="any">
    <text variable="publisher-place" prefix=", "/>
    <macro name="container-title">
    <if type="article article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper" match="any">
    <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
    <text variable="volume" form="short" suffix=" "/>
    <date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued" prefix="(" suffix="), "/>
    <macro name="URL">
    <if match="any" variable="URL">
    <text variable="URL" prefix=" URL : " suffix="."/>
    <else-if match="none" variable="URL">
    <text variable="DOI" prefix=" DOI : " suffix="."/>
    <layout font-variant="normal" font-weight="normal" delimiter="; " suffix=".">
    <text macro="short-author"/>
    <text macro="title"/>
    <if match="any" variable="locator">
    <text macro="locators"/>
    <else-if match="none" variable="locator">
    <text macro="page"/>
    <key macro="author"/>
    <key variable="issued"/>
    <text macro="author"/>
    <text macro="title"/>
    <text macro="container-title"/>
    <text macro="Title-bibliograpphy"/>
    <text macro="translator"/>
    <text macro="publisher-place" suffix=", "/>
    <text macro="publisher"/>
    <text macro="year-date"/>
    <text macro="collection"/>
    <text macro="page-bibliography" suffix="."/>
    <text macro="URL"/>
  • edited September 23, 2022
    Please edit your file in your Pull Request on GitHub. Let's also keep the discussion there, as mentioned.
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