Previous versions of Zotero connector for Firefox available?

My Zotero connector broke on the last version issued 1st of September. Is there a previous version I can use to roll back the update?
  • edited September 14, 2022
    Just report the problem you're experiencing and let us help you fix it.

    (And there was no update on September 1. There hasn't been a connector update in over two months.)
  • Zotero connector 5.0.97 Add-on for Firefox reports no errors.
    Zero 6.0 .13 still accepts pages from Chrome
    Zotero connector Is grayed out or reports that it is disabled, even though it is not disabled in the settings under 'options'
    This occurred from 1 September when Zotero connector reported that it was last updated.
    I am using an older version of Firefox, 56.0, for its compatibility with a number of lovely add-ons. It could be that the latest version is adapted to a newer Firefox and the last iteration of connector broke the connection with the older Firefox?
    Debug logging is not possible, when I tick the boxes it becomes un-ticked after I close the add-on options menu

  • edited September 14, 2022
    Oh, we can't help with a Firefox version that old. The WebExtensions framework wasn't even stable until later versions.
  • I guessed. It was working until the last update. May I have the XPI file for an earlier version please
  • edited September 14, 2022
    Again, there hasn't been a connector update in two months. The download URLs all follow the same pattern, so you can find the old XPIs yourself. You can try older versions, but you should really just update to a current version of Firefox and stop trying to run a five-year-old browser that's not receiving security updates and didn't have a stable WebExtensions framework.
  • Thank you Mister Stillman. Unfortunately your words of :"The download URLs all follow the same pattern, so you can find the old XPIs yourself" don't tell me much. I don't know the pattern of the download URLs. Any further information as to where I may find them ?
  • If you go here:
    Behind that big blue "Install" button sits a URL. At the end you see the version number. You can change that from "5.0.97" to "5.0.96" for example and it'll ask you to install that older version.
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