Accessibility: Inline Citations in Word


I have a colleague who is having trouble creating inline (in text) citations with Zotero in Word. My colleague is a Jaws user, but I have tested this with NVDA and Jaws and cannot get it to work. I will do my best to describe the problem.

To add an inline citation in Word you would navigate the Zotero tab and select Add/Edit Citation. The Zotero citation search comes up, you begin to type in a keyword, and a list begins to populate. The main problem is the search results are not identified properly by the screen reader.

The functionality we would expect would be to have the Zotero search be labelled properly so it is identified as a search box. Then the when you get search results, users should be able to navigate the results with a keyboard and have each result read out. Users would then select the appropriate result.

Does anybody have a work around for this or suggestions for how we could make this work?

Please let me know if anything is unclear.

Many thanks,
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