Zotero and takingn archive notes on a Palm

I am a MAC user beginning a new research project and am thinking of using Zotero. I understand I can use it on my Mac, with or without an internet connection, but how would I use it if I took notes in the archives via a palm? I have previously used only Word as a note-taking system which I was easily able to sync between handheld and PC. What are the implications/possibilities with Zotero.

Vanessa Schwartz
USC, History Dept.
  • Hmm, good question. There are no mechanisms in place for syncing of notes with handheld devices, so if anything were to develop, it would take, well, a developer to take it on (and perhaps something on the palm side as well). That said. Zotero seems positioned well to make a certain kind of note import (simple standalone notes) fairly easy, since it imports a few basic types of data. One method would be to find a way to produce the basic Zotero import/export format on your palm (by means of an XML editor, for example).A more advanced approach would be a palm application which could produce the Zotero format without you having to see the XML. A third way (which is perhaps the most practical would be to take notes in some palm app, and then convert that to one of the formats Zotero can read.

    Perhaps someone can comment on the feasibility of the last of these. Of course if you are taking only a few longish notes rather than lots of little ones, you could import the notes to PC, and simply copy-and-paste them into blank Zotero notes.
  • There are many positives of having it sync with the palm but one i love: for library and archive research: entering/typing (if you have the portable keyboard) entries on the fly, and also: if you grab call numbers for library material through the internet, then all you have to do is bring your palm instead of scraps o' paper as you go through the stacks...
    so please consider! thanks.
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