Copy/paste with citation and page number

I came cross this nice feature, where pasting text copied from Zotero is supposed to include the citation and page number:

However, I am unable to get this to work (Linux, version 6.0.10). No matter where I paste the text into (e.g., vim, or another zotero annotation), all I get is the selected text without the citation and page number. Is there a setting for this, or am I simply doing something wrong?
  • Never mind, I didn't read the post carefully. It seems I have to highlight the text after selecting it.
  • Did you highlight the text first, using the "Highlight Text" function? This is a mandatory step in order to get the citation and page number
  • Thanks @poettli, indeed I forgot to highlight the text.
  • edited 7 days ago
    Copy citation with page (Author et al., date, p. page) or hyperlink link to page/annotation

    Instructions on Zotero 6 :
    1. Select some text
    2. Highlight it with any color
    3. Click the highlighted text
    4. Press CTRL+C
    5. Paste text somewhere like a notepad so you can extract the parts you need.

    - Either extract the citation part formatted as (Authors, date, p. page)

    - Or extract the hyperlink part which looks like that: zotero://open-pdf/library/items/7SX4878D?page=72&annotation=PA3M5X7N.
    You can use this link to create precise hyperlink references that you can place in your Word document for instance.
    Note that if you delete the annotation, the link won't break, it will still point to the right page. Additionally, the link will only work on your local machine because it's not a HTTP link.
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