Item attachments won't migrate to Web Library / group library


I recently bought some Zotero Web Library space to collaborate with some colleagues and have trouble migrating some of my local items to our Web Library collections.

When I click and drag the items into the group library, the items move but their attachments don't come with them.

The items on my machine used linked attachments; I use Zotfile to keep them in a centralized folder, which syncs to a different cloud service. How can I move my items to the group library with their attachments included?

Thanks so much in advance!
  • Zotero won't currently convert linked files to stored files in order to copy them to groups (which don't support linked files), so you'd have to either convert them first using Tools → Manage Attachment → Convert Linked Files to Stored Files or just use right-click → Show File on the linked file and drag it onto the new group item.

    If you go the "Convert Linked Files to Stored Files" route, you'll also need to delete the new items in the group and redrag the parent items. Zotero won't currently update an existing item you've dragged previously.
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