New Plugin: ZotServer – for local Zotero integrations

edited June 22, 2022
Hi all,

I've created a plugin for offline connection to Zotero database without direct access to SQLite file.

At the moment ZotServer plugin provides HTTP endpoint for searching in the database, but more endpoints could be created. I use this plugin to search for Zotero items from my note taking app.

I am hoping to keep it close to web and js API implementations


Feedback and contributions are much appreciated!

P.S. thanks @dstillman, looks like old draft was published, my bad
  • I'd encourage you to post to zotero-dev about this for more technical discussion. We've long planned to expose an API similar to the web API in the app, such that tools could be made to work with either, and there's already some code to return collections, items, etc. — it's just not yet exposed via the HTTP server. If the plugin suits your needs, that's fine, but we'd be happy to work with you to incorporate this sort of functionality into Zotero itself.
  • Thanks @dstillman,

    I will email there soon and will be happy to contribute to the built-in API functionality and replace ZotServer in future.

  • edited July 11, 2022
    @dstillman We have assembled some thoughts on improving the local Zotero HTTP API here: . We're thrilled to hear that you are thinking about exposing a local API and hope that it will be even more powerful than the Web API.

    How should we proceed from here? Would it make sense to post our document as a GitHub issue? Or maybe discuss first which features you consider realistic candidates for implementation, and then create an issue for each?

    Thank you very much for looking into these issues.
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