How do I unfold all items in a collection?

I was looking at a collection but every item has the triangle and I have to click that to unfold the item to click on the pdf title and be able to see the attached notes. Is there a way to unfold all items at once? That way I can skim through the notes much faster.
  • edited July 11, 2022
    Click on any item in the Library (or within any collection you are interested in), and press the "+" or "-" on the keyboard to expand or collapse them
  • For those who found that "+" is not working on macos, I found that "Shift" + "+" will do the trick. I am using Zotero 6.0.37.
  • @victorleow: Nothing to do with macOS. "+" means the "+" character. Without Shift you'd be typing "=".
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