[Solved] Feature request: Right-click copy this paper reference

edited July 6, 2022
As Mac and Linux user know, working with multiple virtual desktops increases the productiveness of the user.
I would like to propose a new contextual option to copy in the clipboard the citation of the selected paper, rather than using the classic "drag and drop" process.

I did not find this proposed before, and for the people that are working on multiple virtual desktop, it is a big plus, because fro my example, I separate my writing text-processing desktop from my bibliographical note-taking desktop.

Let me know if that is an option to consider.
  • Note that quick copy also has a keyboard shortcut, which I assume would work for you?

    Otherwise, right-click --> Create bibliography for selected items is only one extra click/return, so that would work, too.
  • Hi Adam,
    That works for me, thanks for the tip.
    I did not explore all the option indeed, this would have solved my problem in the first place.
    Thanks for the tip.
    I shall set it as solved then.
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