No troubleshooting is working in Zotero -- document keeps breaking

edited June 25, 2022
Report 312016231-- I am in the final throes of preparing a major grant application, and Zotero keeps failing. I have tried all troubleshooting options, none work. I can paste into a new document and get it to work, but it always fails by the next time I open the file. Could it be related to my storage needing to be upgraded?
  • Definitely not related to storage, no. What exactly is happening though? And what Word processor?
  • [JavaScript Error: "This command is not available because no document is open. [getDocument:\vboxsvr\adomas\zotero\word-for-windows-integration\build\zoterowinwordintegration\document.cpp]"]
    @lbhelou: Follow all the steps on Troubleshooting Errors in Word Processor Documents, including the last one, which will pretty much by definition identify the problem (but make sure you try everything else on the page first).
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