Auto-update .bib file from any of multiple computers

What's the best practice for, when using multiple machines, updating a common .bib file (or any bibliographic export file) from my library with Better BibTeX?

Let's say I'm writing a latex document, moving frequently between multiple machines. I use dropbox to sync the document as well as the .bib file between the machines. One main computer relies on Better BibTeX to auto-export/update the .bib file with new Zotero entries.
However, this is not ideal if I add a new item to my Zotero from a secondary computer and need to refer to the .bib entry right away.

How would you recommend handling this situation?
  • Make a collection in Zotero and add all of the items to that collection. Right click on the collection and export a .bib from it and tell BetterBibTeX to keep that file updated.
  • Right, so I do that on my main computer, Computer A.
    That .bib file is in dropbox.
    All my devices have Zotero and have synced libraries.

    Now, when I move to Computer B in a new location, I want to be able to:
    1) add new items to Zotero
    2) update .bib file *while at Computer B*

    How can I update the same .bib file when on an alternate device?
  • Why not just have auto updating in BBT enabled there, too? The file itself is on Dropbox, so that's already getting synced.
  • I don't know why I ignored this straightforward approach,
    I guess I must have some reservation some time ago about sync conflicts somewhere.

    Anyway, it seems to work, thanks!
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