Cannot save a webpage on iOS Zotero

I recently downloaded and signed into the iOS Zotero app. I followed instructions by creating a bookmark with the following code inserted as the URL:

javascript:var d=document,s=d.createElement('script');s.src='';(d.body?d.body:d.documentElement).appendChild(s);void(0);

From a webpage I wanted to save, I selected the bookmark. I get the following error:

Cannot Run Script
Safari cannot run the script because JavaScript is not allowed to be used this way.

What am I doing wrong?


  • Where did you see those instructions? That's for the ancient bookmarklet, which is no longer something that should be used. Delete that.

    You're using the new iOS app, and you can save to it right from the Share sheet in the browser.
  • Thank you, dstillman. The share sheet works perfectly.

    FYI, I saw the instructions at It came up early in a browser search.

    One other related question: On my Mac, I have for some time been using the extension Zotero Connector in Firefox, not Safari, even though Safari is my preferred browser. A while back, the extension in effect stopped working in Safari, and I was advised to use a different browser.

    Is the extension now working in Safari? I tried just now, and it seems to be.

    I'm confused by the fact that Zotero Connector does not show in the App Store, nor does it come up under Install Browser Connector in Zotero.
  • edited June 19, 2022
    I'm confused by the fact that Zotero Connector does not show in the App Store, nor does it come up under Install Browser Connector in Zotero.
    The Connector isn't a separate app. It's bundled with Zotero.

    It says this when loading both the download page and the page opened by Install Browser Connector in Safari:

    "The Zotero Connector for Safari is bundled with Zotero. You can enable it from the Extensions pane of the Safari preferences."
    A while back, the extension in effect stopped working in Safari, and I was advised to use a different browser.
    Note that it's been available the whole time. We just moved it to only the beta channel for a while due to a macOS bug:
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