How to edit in-text citations the correct way?

Is there a *correct* and efficient way to edit in-text citations in a way that does not mess anything up? I'm using the latest APA style. If I want to change something from "Grander et al. (2014) to "Grandner and colleagues (2014)" how do you go about this?

There are times I will just delete and edit things directly in my document, and then each time I'm working in my document an error message will continuously pop up asking me about the change and whether it should modify all subsequent citations, which is confusing and a pain.

Any recommendations on this would be greatly appreciated!
  • Don't make edits directly in the document. If you do, Zotero has no choice but to ask you whether you want to keep your edits and prevent further updates.

    Read through Customizing Cites to learn how to do this properly for most situations. E.g., for your particular example, you would use Omit Author.
  • Wow, this is super helpful, thank you!!!
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