What is the ARTN xxxx in the DOI field?

I found that if there is a word "ARTN xxxx" for instance, "ARTN 101 10.3390/environments5090101" in the DOI field.   It will make the cited score of such a paper unavailable in the "Scite" Add-in column. 
Does anyone know what the ARTN number is and why it is appearing? 

Thank you in advance

  • That shouldn't be there, and isn't if you save from the main publisher page.

    Do you remember how you added that item to Zotero? What does it say in the Library Catalog field?
  • I can't remember exactly what I did. I save articles to Zotero from many difference ways by search at Google Scholar, EBSCO Discovery Service (provide by university), Scopus and ScienceDirect. Then I did multiple selection to download article to my library via Zotero connector. There are many articles have the word "ARTN" in the DOI. If I manually delete them, the cited scored at Scite immediately show.

    There is no any error at Library Catalog field.

    Thank you for your support dstillman :)
  • Are you saying the Library Catalog field is empty? If not, what does it say for those items?
  • edited June 10, 2022
    Do you subscribe to an MDPI daily topical email update. (The doi you provide above is to an MDPI journal.) I suspect that may be the source of your problem. ARTN is sometimes a prefix to an ARTicle Number from an MDPI journal. I have encountered this problem many times from the emailed articles they send to me. Sometimes the DOI is (improperly) preceded by the article number. Unfortunately, rarely the ARTN is instead appended to the DOI.

    I found an article that mentions this:

    See page 32.

    @adamsmith Can a translator automatically and selectively delete irrelevant characters that precede the "10.3390/" in the case of MDPI publications? For those times the ARTN is appended I don't hold much hope unless the translator can RegEx for ARTN followed by a numeric string and delete those characters.
  • Yes of course, that's why we're asking. Thanks for the example
  • @adamsmith sorry I reply so late. I don't say the Library field is empty. I just mean that my library is working well event the DOI field has ARTN+Doi number there. I have to manually delete the ARTN.

    Thank you to @DWL-SDCA for your advice.

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