Sync Issues Pcloud Microsoft


I am having trouble setting up synchronization with WebDAV. On other laptops I have already successfully set it up.
I am using Windows 10 and am trying to connect to pCloud.

When I insert my credentials in the Sync Setup, I receive the following error:
"Request timed out"
The error ID is 1299521757.


P.S. I have already tried restarting my computer without success.
  • Pcloud is notorious for its badly performing WebDAV interface. I have been struggling with this for years (I have a lifetime plan, otherwise I would have left pcloud long ago) not with Zotero, but in a different context. I have to say, though, that I haven't had any issues with my Zotero attachments yet, but I have only recently moved them over to pcloud, so maybe I will see the same issues soon.

    While this is on no use here, I generally recommend that you use the pcloud api wherever possible. Rclone supports the pcloud api, so you could try serving pcloud as webdav via Rclone...
  • ok..
    Thanks a lot for this tip!
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