Graph visualization of related item in Zotero?

edited November 23, 2020
Hello everyone.

Does anybody know if there is a way to visualize related item in Zotero in a graph? For example, but not limited to, different book chapters from the same book or from the same author, o related in any other way.

I've been "playing" with Obsidian lately, and I found that to be useful or even just pleasing. Since the relations are already defined in Zotero, would there be a way to get an automatic visualization without replicating those relations in Obsidian or other softwares?
  • BBT has a translator called "Citation graph" that writes (ao) relations into a graphiz dot file. But since Zotero relations are not directional and untyped, I haven't used it much myself.
  • @ucaoemili95 Hi, I am also interested in using Obsidian as a notebook.
    Now, could you realize the view the related items graph (exported from zotero) in Obsidian?
    Thanks for your reply.
  • hi @emilianoeheyns - can you give me some basic guidance on how to get to that translator? i'd love to see this and have BBT but am not sure exactly what to do. if you could just tell me even where to access the translator, that would be amazing!
  • @ucaoemili95
    There's a new plugin that can do something like that, although it's still very early days. It was first released just yesterday!
    It looks promising, though!
  • @jdr515 it requires installation of BBT, which is a very heavyweight plugin if this is all you want. In any case, it will create nodes of all articles, undirected edges of any relationships you have created in Zotero, and directed edges for every line in the extra field looking like

    cites: citekey1, citekey2, ...

    pointing to articles in the same export
  • thanks for the response @emilianoeheyns! bbt meaning better biblatex? i already have it installed, and use it for generating unique citekeys, but i don't know what to do next. like how do i get it to make those nodes? and what do i do once i have them? i tried to look it up but haven't been successful! thank you!
  • Sorry -- you export as "Citation graph", which will get you a .gml file. You can open that file in any program that supports GraphML, I usually pick yEd.
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