Problem with DOI lookup

I tried the magic wand to add item by doi. I entered the following value:


It says it cannot locate the document. What method is it using to find information about the entered DOIs? If I paste that DOI into google scholar it finds 1 result which is exactly the correct paper.
  • It uses CrossRef. CrossRef changed their data format a little bit somewhat recently. I don't know, off-hand, if this is the problem here, but I know that many other programs that have been taking CrossRef data have had to make small changes.
  • Ahh, I guess this is the problem. It seems like now almost all the DOIs I put in fail to resolve.
  • putting your DOI in to the resolver works fine (assuming that N-Buffers for efficient depth map query is the paper of interest.) Any reason why Zotero doesn't use the official resolver?
  • Yea, all of the DOIs I have been trying work fine when I insert them into the resolver but I can find any that work in Zotero (I've only tried 5 or 6 so far).
  • edited September 17, 2009
    Any reason why Zotero doesn't use the official resolver?
    Because Zotero needs the data from CrossRef, not just a redirect.

    We'll try to fix this today.
  • An updated translator that fixes this is now available. Your copy of Zotero should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking Update Now in the General pane of the Zotero prefs.
  • You rock! It works. Thanks
  • Tested a little more and the following DOI doesn't work.


    It does still work with the CrossRef resolver. It's possible this is a problem with CrossRef, but just throwing it out there in case since I'm not sure whose end it's on.
  • Fixed. Thanks.
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