Style Request:[cstr-2022-author-date.csl]

Dear Zotero developers,

We are data archivist at Common Science and Technology Resource Identifier System. We take the opportunity to introduce the CSTR identifier, a common science and technology resource identifier widely used in China. CSTR is an important way to share scientific and technology resources. It provides a basis for the persistent identification service, citation, statistics and traceability of scientific and technology resources, benefits for open sharing of scientific data, scientific research instruments, biological germplasm and other scientific and technology resources, interworking with relevant identification systems. At present, the CSTR system has already provided service for up to 55 data repositories, e.g., Science Data Bank.

The user example for CSTR:
1.Science Data Bank:
2.Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS:
3.National Basic Science Data Center(only Chinese):

Zotero is one of the famous open-source document management software, helping thousands of Chinese researchers manage literature and assist in writing papers. During these days, many researchers ask if we should help to promote Zotero and CSL to support CSTR identifiers. We want to apply a new CSTR CSL style helping our costumer for using the CSTR in Zotero.

Unfortunately, we are not the journals so we can’t provide ISSN (print version) and/or e-ISSN (online version).

The other examples and information showing behind:
In-text citation::
(Wang et al. 2022)

Wang, Zhanjie, Jianghua Zhao, Ran Zhang, Zheng Li, Qinghui Lin, and Xuezhi Wang. 2022. “CRMSCD.” Remote Sensing 14 (1): 104.

Field        Value
Type       dataset
Title        CRMSCD
Author        Wang, Zhanjie, Jianghua Zhao, Ran Zhang, Zheng Li, Qinghui Lin, and Xuezhi Wang
Issued        2021/11/26
Container-title        CRMSCD
CSTR        31253.11.sciencedb.01337
Language        en-US
Accessed        2022/4/22

The instructions to authors: =CSTR:31253.11.sciencedb.01337

Also, we have finished the related CSL file(cstr-2022-author-date.csl),please take a look!

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,
Xuefeng Lv
Common Science and Technology Resource Identifier System
  • Do I understand correctly that you already created a CSL style? If so, could you please link to that? I'm not seeing a link to it, but maybe I'm missing something.
  • edited April 24, 2022
    Thank you for your reply. I have resubmitted the branch, but this time I added a CSTR macro. This submission verification cannot pass. How should I operate this?
    < if variable="CSTR" >
    < text variable="CSTR" prefix=""/ >
    < /if >
  • 我感觉CSTR是个数据库吧,应该给读者提供translator翻译器,让使用人方便将数据导入Zotero中,在写作时引用。而具体引用的格式是报告或期刊规定的吧。CSTR不需要提供Style,Zotero现在还不支持自定义字段,variable="CSTR"Zotero应该没有吧。
  • CSTR是数据标识,目前zotero 中没有CSTR 这个字段,请问我如何才能添加一个CSTR字段在 zotero中?我们希望这个CSTR标识能够扩展在zotero中使用。

  • 当前应该只能借用其它字段(,这个是类似于DOI的吗?

    另外写报告或论文时引用的期刊类型是什么?GB/T 7714 要求引用时标注文献类型(,在编写相应csl时引用这个字段就可以了。。

  • edited April 24, 2022
    我的理解这个CSTR就是DOI,点击这个 后就跳转到文献的最终地址。为了规范引用,在其它期刊引用DOI的地方,引用CDTR吧。
  • 关于数据类型我们计划参考:
    关于你给的:GB/T 7714 要求引用时标注文献类型(
  • CSTR is not currently a valid CSL variable, so variable="CSTR" will not work

    Can you provide a link to some documentation describing the CSTR standard or examples of its use in practice?
  • 现在是没有这个CSTR字段的,而且现在Zotero还不支持自定义字段。要增加只能向官方Zotero申请了。

    < if variable="DOI" >
    < text variable="DOI" prefix=""/ >
    < /if >

  • The CSTR identifier is based on GB/T 32843-2016 Science and technology resource identification (only Chinese

    The user example for CSTR:
    1.Science Data Bank:
    2.Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS:
    3.National Basic Science Data Center(only Chinese):
  • 你们做的工作是不是项目结题时要求的数据汇交工作后形成的数据库?
  • 不是这样的,我们是为数据汇交工作上的数据分配标识,汇交形成的数据并不存储的我们这里,我们只存储元数据。这个机制上类似DataCite或者Crossref.
  • 哦,很有意义的工作。如果你们把中文DOI的解析也拿过去就好了。
  • 谢谢,请增加一个CSTR字段。我们好进行后续的工作。
  • 我不是官方的哦。
  • 我估计即使加的话时间也会比较长,到现在dataset、标准这些数据类型都没有加上,自定义字段功能也讨论了好久没有实现。尽管可以在Extra中添加这些类型,从而在CSL中实现。
  • You should not store the CSTR in the DOI field. That will cause all sorts of issues (and we do not accept hacks or workarounds in the CSL Styles repository).
  • edited April 24, 2022
    And how to solve this issue? CSTR is similar to DOI. Which field do you recommend should be used to store the CSTR?
  • Of course, we plan to use CSTR identifier similar like the PMID. When we add or resolve the CSTR, the CSTR identifier will add in Extra field. It will not influence the DOI field and cause issues.
  • CSTR is not a valid CSL variable. For now, the appropriate way to cite CSTR in CSL styles is to enter the item’s URL as<CSTR>. This is how, for example, ArXiV IDs are cited. CSL may get formal support for a wider range of ID variables in the future. But for now, URL is the best approach. Importantly, it also means that the CSTR will automatically be cited in any existing style without modification.

    You can additionally store the CSTR itself in the Extra field like: CSTR: <CSTR>. This won’t be picked up by citation styles, but does store the data for reference and it might be incorporated into a broader ID system in the future.
  • edited April 25, 2022
    @bwiernik Thank you very much for answering. It's very helpful!

    According to your suggestions, we learned the example of using
    ArXiV IDs in zotero, and found that there is a citation_arxiv_id element in
    meta (example: < meta name="citation_arxiv_id" content="2204.10725"/ >).
    Following this example, we tried to create a
    citation_cstr, but unfortunately Zotero couldn't collect the contents of
    citation_cstr in the webpage(< meta data-n-head="ssr" name="citation_cstr" content="CSTR:31122.11.112435.24512312" >).

    Also, we found that ArXiV submitted translators
    Is that the reason why arxiv_id can be collected in zotero?
    If we submit a translator for our website,can we solve this problem?

    Would you mind telling us the specific process for adding the CSTR identifier in to Zotero like ArXiV?
    The researchers can resolve the CSTR identifier in zotero, storing the metadata and creating related citations.

    Thank you very much for your help!
  • You should submit a translator for your website
  • @bwiernik Thank you very much for answering. We will try to submit the translator.

    After that, there is another question coming up.
    We know that CSTR variable is not supported by CSL yet.
    Is there any applying process that CSL can submit CSTR identifier as CSL variables?
    Would you mind giving us some advice for about that?
  • Here or on the CSL schema github is fine to ask about adding identifiers to CSL, but note that as of now the only identifiers CSL supports are DOI, ISBN, and ISSN (for obvious reasons) as well as PMIDs and PMCIDs, which play a massive role in medical research worldwide. Everything else (including arXiv IDs, NBNs, handles, patent numbers etc.) is handled either via the number variable and/or URLs. We may introduce more flexible identifier support in the more distant future, but it's not going to be super soon.
  • edited April 27, 2022
    @adamsmith Thank you very much for answering.
    If we want to add CSTR identifier in zotero software through 'Add Item by Identifier 'function, how can we apply?
    Please click on the link to view the screenshot.
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