Option to use 24-hour time in standalone Zotero?

Is there an option to use 24-hour time in standalone Zotero? I.e., in the central pane there is an option to display "Date Added" - is there an option to not have "AM/PM", but instead have 24-hour time? Or is there an option to use 24-hour time everywhere?
  • The time format Zotero uses is set based on your current language, which you can change in the Advanced tab of the Zotero preferences. If you'd like to use an English locale, "English (UK)" should do the trick. (That will also give you dd/mm/yyyy dates.) More specific customization of date and time formats may come in a future update but isn't currently supported.
  • @AbeJellinek Thanks for the reply. I suppose I live in my own "locale" - I prefer YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00. I look forward to the future. :-)
  • @AbeJellinek thanks for the reply!
    So there is currently now way to manually override the format of "Date added" via Config Editor to show in the column only date without time?

    Thank for all the good work!
  • No, not at the moment, sorry.
  • I, like @Dip2016Graham, would very much like to have ISO standard date/time option: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.

    Is there any way to specify system locales other than those listed in the Advanced preferences?

    In the past, I've had good luck with the en_DK.utf8 locale. I tried setting that in prefs.js via:
    user_pref("intl.locale.requested", "en_DK");
    but it had no effect.

    I also tried setting an environmental variable before launching Zotero:
    user_pref("intl.locale.requested", "en_DK");
    but also, no effect.
  • Is this still an issue as of the latest Zotero version? Like others on this thread, I want to see ISO standard date/times, and no specific locale seems to provide that.
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