Ability to tag multiple papers at once?

Is it possible to select multiple papers and simultaneously add a tag to all of them at once? If not, then this would be a very useful feature to add.
  • Yes, select the items you want to tag, then drag them to the tag (in the tag selector) that you want.
  • I thought maybe a right-click option would be handy, but this is helpful. Thanks!
  • If you have the tag selector open in the left sidebar (View > Layout > Tag Selector), you can select as many papers as you want and then drag them on top of the tag (just like how you would add them to a collection)
  • The Zutilo plugin also adds a “paste tags from clipboard” option to the right click menu
  • try zotero-tag,https://github.com/windingwind/zotero-tag

    you can add multiple tags to multiple items by just one right click, or bind tags to shortcuts.
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