Word shortcut for editing citations broken in v6.0.4 running on macOS

Since upgrading to the snazzy new version 6 of Zotero, the keyboard shortcuts for editing citations are broken.

It keeps serving the error message "You must place the cursor in a Zotero citation to edit it" but my cursor IS in a Zotero citation. The only way I can edit citations now is with the 'Add/Edit Citation' button - not ideal for those of us who were familiar with the keyboard shortcuts.

I just submitted an error report #319746297 which should contain relevant system info, but just in case, I am using macOS 10.14.6 running Word 16.54 and Zotero 6.0.4.
  • The keyboard shortcuts on Word are not created by Zotero, but something that you set up yourself. See https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_shortcuts#word_for_mac_2016_and_newer
  • edited April 12, 2022
    @mghaz: Specifically, you want to make sure you're using ZoteroAddEditCitation, not ZoteroInsertCitation.
  • edited April 12, 2022
    thanks @adomasven pointing me to the short cut creation in Word and thanks @dstillman for pointing me toward `ZoteroAddEditCitation` because using the shortcut for that command has solved the issue.

    Previously, I been using `ZoteroEditCitation` but now it has ceased to work (only serves the error message "You must place the cursor in a Zotero citation to edit it" even though the cursor is in a Zotero citation). This is a change with Zotero v6. Was it expected? If the `ZoteroEditCitation` function is no longer relevant in v6, maybe it makes sense to remove it and leave only `ZoteroAddEditCitation` ?
  • We will be removing the ZoteroInsertCitation and ZoteroEditCitation macros in the future. They originally corresponded to Zotero buttons but those buttons have been replaced a long time ago and we kept those functions for backwards compatibility reasons. Either way, it shouldn't be broken like that, they either should break or display a dialog instructing users to change their hotkeys, so we will take action soon.
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