Updated notes no longer allow pasting images from clipboard

I'm not sure if the discussion forum is the right place to put this but:
I have Zotero beta, and with version 5.0.97-beta.65+15ae72d14, the notes-editor changed.
While it looks prettier, it no longer allows pasting images from clipboard (e.g., screenshots of paper figures taken with Windows' 'Snip & Sketch').
Not sure if this is a bug, or a feature removal (which I would find a shame).
  • The old notes only kind of allowed copy&pasting of images: it ended up breaking lots of things, including syncing.

    The updated notes have full support for images. Currently that's only via adding images from the disk, but as I understand, support for copy&paste is planned.
  • If support for copy/paste comes soon, then all the better :)
    For now I'm just sticking to an earlier version then.
  • @adamsmith I'm having the same problem as @natithan. Apart from not being paste copies of new pictures I snip, I'm unable to see all the old ones, which is nearly alarming because of how heavily I utilise them.

    If the new update disallows pictures like this, how can we go back to the older version without going back to an older Zotero file (and thus losing progress)? @dstark
  • We've restored the ability to paste images into notes on Windows in the latest Zotero beta, and if there are no problems it will be included in 6.0.5 soon.
  • Excellent. I too have been missing this functionality. I often take notes using the Snip & Sketch tool and paste them into the Zotero notes section to remember "snapshots" relating to the reference. I am unable to do this anymore. Hopefully the beta test will be successful and this functionality can be reincorporated soon.
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