Scite plugin not working (Zotero 6.0.1)
I recently installed the scite Plugin in Zotero and was running fine. But when I tried to update the date of a paper that the metadata wasn't extracted, it didn't let me do it, so I restarted the program. After that, Zotero won't let me in because of a crash and close after that.
I already was able to open Zotero with the information from this forum:
But after opening Zotero again, the scite add-on wasn't working. Is there anything I could do about it? Because before the crash everything was alright. The report ID of the problem was: 1242971040.
I already was able to open Zotero with the information from this forum:
But after opening Zotero again, the scite add-on wasn't working. Is there anything I could do about it? Because before the crash everything was alright. The report ID of the problem was: 1242971040.
The plugin seems to be doing something that's causing invalid values to be saved to the database, which is going to cause widespread breakage.
They're investigating, but for now it's not safe to have enabled.
'accessDate' must be in ISO 8601 or UTC 'YYYY-MM-DD[ hh:mm:ss]' format or 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ()
I uninstalled multiple times to see if it works, but nothing.
Thanks for the patience.
OK, the Scite developers have pushed a new version that disables all functionality while they debug this.
Once you've installed plugin version 1.11.4 (and only once you've done that), go to Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript and run this:await Zotero.DB.queryAsync("UPDATE itemDataValues SET value='INVALID_SCITE_VALUE' WHERE value=0"); return await Zotero.DB.queryAsync("DELETE FROM itemData WHERE fieldID=(SELECT fieldID FROM fields WHERE fieldName='accessDate') AND valueID=(SELECT valueID FROM itemDataValues WHERE value='INVALID_SCITE_VALUE')") || 'done'Then restart Zotero.This will replace all invalid values with the string 'INVALID_SCITE_VALUE', which should prevent further errors and allow you to find and correct them.If you find after this that many fields were mangled, you can try reverting to one of your automatic backups.The Scite columns will remain disabled until they fix the underlying problem and push a new version.
It should go without saying but very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, I hope that by disabling and the workaround Dan provided it mitigates how severe the issue is.
I'm working on a fix to get it working now that I can reproduce it reliably now; until then it'll be disabled as Dan says.
I have a working fix locally so hopefully it doesn't go out of commission for too long.
Thanks to everyone who helped triage this, and my bad again for letting this one slip through.
Should I disable?/remove?/update? the scite plugin manually before starting Zotero ? If so, how ?
Or is it safe to start Zotero and then disable the plugin (before performing any other operation) ? Disable auto sync ? (is it possible/necessary to do this before starting Zotero ?).
Or should I wait for the next Zotero release before starting Zotero ?
I have just made another backup of my Zotero sqlite files as they stand now, just in case.
Still a good idea to run the above command to clean any rows that were corrupted. We're looking into what we can do to clean those automatically in a Zotero update.
I then fired up Zotero. But selecting Tools / Add-ons did not bring up that dialog. No sign of scite column names under right click but the scite tab in the right window was still there. Zotfile preferences option is present in Tools menu but it does not bring up the dialog. All recently added references are intact.
Is this expected ? Does Zotero still think the Scite plugin should be available and gets confused when the XPI isn't there to be loaded ? I was loath to install Scite v1.11.4 until the dust settles. But will the rest of the Add-ons functionality not work until I do ?
But on Zotero restart, Tools\Add-Ons still brings up nothing. Extensions folder contains XPIs for zotfile, zutilo, scihub, navigate. Scite tab in right window is still there, right click scite column names still gone. Zotfile prefs still under Tools but still does not bring up window. Tools\Zutilo prefs is there and does open its window. Scihub tab under Edit\Preferences is there.
- tools/add-ons does not respond -> but fixed in update Zotero just yet (bravo!)
- plus: Word claims that Zotero-plugin is outdated. After reinstall Zotero-plugin: cannot opden document template Zotero.dotm. So Word integration is out of order as well.
I do not see any mayhem in my database, but is 10000 entries. So I should try the option below?
"This will replace all invalid values with the string 'INVALID_SCITE_VALUE', which should prevent further errors and allow you to find and correct them."
then search on 'INVALID_SCITE_VALUE' in 'Everything'?
then searched on INVALID_SCITE_VALUE. In 'Everything' I get an enormous amount of hits, seems to be all entries with attachments.
But: all entries are greyed, all attachments are black, suggesting that the string INVALID_SCITE_VALUE is in the (mainly) pdf's.
Searching INVALID_SCITE_VALUE in the attachments/pdf's yields nothing.
Searching INVALID_SCITE_VALUE in All fields & Tags gives zero hits.
Is this repairable? Or repairable in future?
It does not seem to hurt the database that much since all fields seem to be fine. Should I restore zotero.sqlite.111.bak 17-03-2022 23:54 -a--
That would give me some orphaned attachments and undo's of recent changes in the database I guess
On v1.11.4 of the scite plugin, all scite plugin behavior is disabled (to give Dan & team a reprieve in order to minimize any damage from the bug).
I released 1.11.5 (link below) which re-enables the plugin and fixes the bug, verified on both zotero 5 and 6 on three different user's libraries.
(Or, if you already have 1.11.4, you can upgrade it from Zotero itself).
After upgrading, you can search for "INVALID_SCITE_VALUE" in All Fields & Tags mode in the root of each library to see any affected items and correct the values yourself.
Again, if you find after this that many fields were mangled, you can try reverting to one of your automatic backups.
With Zotero 6.0.2 and Scite plugin version 1.11.5, you should be all set.
No INVALID_SCITE_VALUEs were found, probably because I had not run Zotero yet on the day that scite 1.11.3 released, so I only had 1.11.2 when I removed its XPI from the extensions folder.
So all is apparently back to normal. The only apparent remnant of scite is the scite tab in the right window (which seemingly does nothing). I will probably update to 1.11.5 at some point.
I then ran check for updates under Add-ons, and it updated Scite to 1.15.1 (and Zotfile to 5.1.1). Scite right click columns are now back.
Is scite or bbt's custom columns working for you guys? I couldn't get it working on my end. Win 10, Zotero V6.0.4
I assumed that when I installed scite, that the columns would be there like before lol.