Error starting zotero.sqlite: 2153971714

Help appreciated

There was an error starting Zotero.

You can report this problem in the Zotero Forums.

Error: Could not open connection to C:\Users\rpett\OneDrive\Current-2021-22\Zot-Refs-current\zotero.sqlite: 2153971714
From previous event:

the *.sqlite is on hard drive & not cloud. Location etc worked fine until now
  • You can't have it in a OneDrive folder. Move it back to the default location.
  • This makes no sense unless you have changed permissions since 10 Feb. I have kept the sqlite file in a defined folder that includes "\OneDrive\X\*.sqlite" for literally years. As mentioned, the folder (& files) sits on my HD on the C_Drive (altho I have also used the D_drive "OneDrive ..." sucessfully). There is no rewriting from my cloud OneDrive back to this C:\\OneDrive folder.
  • PS - I am aware of the content of the above helpfile - as noted - I do not allow two-way sync - the zot.../sqlite file on my C_Drive is the file written by Zot & is never "back synchronised"
  • We haven't changed anything. All I can tell you is that something is causing that folder not to behave like a standard filesystem folder, and that's almost certainly because of OneDrive. You can test this by moving the folder back to the "Zotero" in your home folder and pointing Zotero there. If that works, it's something about the custom location that's breaking this.
  • OK - thanks - I'll try tomorrow
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