Mistake in Chicago Manual of Style 17th footnote output (Thesis)

edited March 24, 2022
I am currently using Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (Full note) as my citation style and I have spotted a mistake in the output for thesis/dissertations.

According to the 17th edition Chicago Manual of Style (notes and bibliography), the footnote should look something like this:

Matthew D. Blackmar, “Wagner Domesticated, Wagner Democratized: The Parlor Reception of Musikdrama” (M.A. Thesis, California State University, 2012), 34.

Note especially the the inclusion of institution but NO location. However, when I generate a footnote for a dissertation, the location is not omitted:

Matthew D. Blackmar, “Wagner Domesticated, Wagner Democratized: The Parlor Reception of Musikdrama” (M.A. Thesis, Long Beach, California, California State, 2012), 34.

For what it is worth, the bibliography already omits the location - only the footnote output needs fixing. It's not the end of the world, as I can easily just delete the "place" field in Zotero, but it would nice to be able to leave it in case I ever use a style that requires location information.
  • Using Chicago full note 17 I get:

    Stephen Hawking, “Properties of Expanding Universes” (Doctoral thesis, University of Cambridge, 1966), https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.11283.

    Hawking, Stephen. “Properties of Expanding Universes.” Doctoral thesis, University of Cambridge, 1966. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.11283.

    Are you sure that "Long Beach, CA" is not included wrongly in your metadata and that you use Chicago 17? Switching to a different style and back or trying in a new document is also something you can try.
  • edited March 24, 2022
    100% sure - this is happening for all the dissertations I'm citing, and I've double checked my meta data. I even tried reinstalling the styles - 17th edition, both full note and full note with subsequent short.

    In your case, what happens if you put something in the "place" field? Does it not appear in the note?

  • You didn't say if you tried my other 2 suggestions.
  • Sorry, yes, I have tried multiple fresh, more or less empty documents (I write in scrivener so word is my last stop), switching between a handful of styles.
  • I can reproduce this, thanks; we'll take a look.
  • Hi there, I just wanted to check and see if you've had a chance to take a look at this? It doesn't like it has been addressed yet.
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