The owner of the group quit the company. How do I get the rights back ??

My previous manager was the owner of the zotero group. Since she left, we don't have access to the "owner account", meaning that I still can add new files etc but I can't add any new member etc.
How do I get back the rights of ownership of this group please ?
  • You can ask them to transfer ownership of the group to you, which can be done from the grouip's settings.

    If that's not an option, you can email with details.
  • Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately I have no access to the settings of the group so I can't ask for the ownership on it ...
    I already sent an email to the support of Zotero, but no answer so far ...
    I will try again,
    Many thanks,
    Have a good day
  • Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant ownership can be transferred from the group's settings.
    By asking them I just mean contacting them and requesting they transfer the group.
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