difference between "add citation" and "add note" in word ?
Please can you explain me the difference between "add citation" and "add note" in word Zotero V6.
Thank you
Please can you explain me the difference between "add citation" and "add note" in word Zotero V6.
Thank you
And read the whole post for more details.
The "Add note" button is new. See the release notes for more info: https://www.zotero.org/blog/zotero-6/
quand je clique sur "add note" dans word, il m'ouvre la fenêtre du "préferences du document" puis "ajouter/modifier la citation". j'ai essayé avec un autre ordinateur et ce n'est pas pareil il ouvre la boite de dialogue jaune. Merci pour votre aide
[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: temp is null" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/bindings/preferences-win.xml" line: 1225}]
version => 6.0.2, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => fr-FR, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 6.0.2, extensions => Zotero LibreOffice Integration (6.0.0.SA.6.0.2, extension), Zotero Word for Windows Integration (6.0.0.SA.6.0.2, extension)
You already provided a Debug ID. It just didn't show you opening the citation dialog.
All you need to do is follow the instructions in the section I'm linking to.
Il faut décocher la case "utiliser la fenêtre classique d’ajout de citation" dans : éditions/ préférences/ citer/ traitements de texte. Redémarrer Zotero et Word et normalement ça fonctionne. Merci et bonne journée
Little off-topic: Please don't remove classic view in future. I think the classic view is much more useful when using prefixes and suffixes.