There was an error starting Zotero (cleanDOI argument)

edited March 22, 2022
When I start Zotero I get the following error message:

There was an error starting Zotero.

You can report this problem in the Zotero Forums.

Error: cleanDOI: argument must be a string
From previous event:

[Check for Update] [Quit]

This happened after I tried adding a citation using the Chrome Extension and almost all fields (apart from author, I believe) got saved as 0. Checking that it's not a problem with the metadata itself I went to a paper that I've cited before, and the same thing happened. I closed Zotero and re-opened it to encounter the aforementioned error. My online library seems to contain the information right before I tried adding the citation.

I've done all the regular troubleshooting steps - re-starting the PC, re-installing Zotero etc. - but the problem persists.

I'm on Zotero 6.1.

- Here are some screenshots (that I forgot I took) with the issue

- The problem might be unrelated to the scite extension, because it persists even when manually removed.
  • edited March 22, 2022

    (I'm from scite) -- it looks like the bug in the older version of our extension from yesterday was causing values to be corrupted in the database, so even after removing our extension, those bad values might have persisted and caused Zotero to fail to startup.

    Have you already tried the steps Dan wrote here (

    It looks like they are pushing a change soon which will automatically fix that corrupted issue.

  • Solved! Thank you!

    I managed to quickly navigate to Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript during Zotero's start-up but before the error message popped up (it wouldn't let me navigate to it after the error message appeared) and ran the following:

    return await Zotero.DB.columnQueryAsync("SELECT DISTINCT fieldName FROM fields WHERE fieldID IN (SELECT fieldID FROM itemData WHERE valueID IN (SELECT valueID FROM itemDataValues WHERE value='INVALID_SCITE_VALUE'))"

  • You can search for INVALID_SCITE_VALUE in Everything mode in the Zotero search bar to see all the items that were corrupted.
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