Interoperability of PDF reader highlighting

This discussion was created from comments split from: Announcing Zotero 6 and Zotero for iOS.
  • edited March 18, 2022
    Is there a summary somewhere of how highlighting in zotero does or doesn't play well with highlighting in other apps like Acrobat?
    I don't want to change my workflow until I understand clearly what I am doing.

    The first thing I tried was adding a highlight in zotero reader, and it doesn't show up in the pdf if I open it in Acrobat.
    In the other direction, existing pdf highlights show up as some kind of note or comment that is different from a highlight in zotero reader.

    For anyone else curious, I do like that there is a dropdown in the Preferences-->General page to set how to open pdfs, such that I can put it to "system default" until I learn more.
  • edited March 18, 2022
    Annotations are stored in the Zotero database:
    In the other direction, existing pdf highlights show up as some kind of note or comment that is different from a highlight in zotero reader.
    Not sure what you mean by that. Zotero displays annotations embedded in the PDF file exactly the same as Zotero annotations — they're just not editable. If your PDF reader is duplicating the highlighted text into the comment, you'll see it in the comment too, but that's a setting you can disable in the external PDF reader. Zotero parses the highlighted text itself, so there's no need to extract that text in the external PDF reader.
  • Thank you very much for your reply, @dstillman .

    Indeed, when I talk about the highlighting being different in zotero reader and Acrobat, I am referring to them, well, not being the same or somehow separate.

    * So am I correct that you're saying that highlighting that's already done in the many pdfs that I already have -- that is totally separate from highlighting done in zotero?

    All our existing pdf highlights will be displayed in zotero reader
    (possibly with a different appearance if there is also a comment such as echoed text, which I think is my case),
    * but existing pdf highlights are not part of the new system?
    * If we ever chose to, is there a way to convert all our existing pdf highlights into zotero highlights?

    If we want to share a highlighted pdf with someone else, outside zotero,
    * is it possible to go the other way and convert zotero highlights into pdf highlights?
  • See the page I linked to.
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