Zotero 6 Right-to-Left

I'm really glad there's a new version, and thanks for all the hard work, but - the right-to-left support in Zotero notes is gone. Text keeps bouncing back to LtR, and bulletpoints in RtL don't work entirely.
Does anyone know a workaround? half of my work is in there...
  • Thanks for reporting. We're working on it.
  • Thank you! fingers crossed that this isn't a complicated fix, my work really depends on it.
  • the recent changelog for Zotero 6.0.3 says that there is now "Improved RTL support."

    Before I go ahead and upgrade again (in case I have to revert...), can anyone tell me if this problem has been fixed? Does the note editor currently fully support Right-to-Left text as it did in Zotero 5? Relatedly, do bullet-points work in RtL as well?

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