Zotero Connector does collect the year field

When saving an article on Science Advances using the Zotero Connector, the collected metadata about the article are incomplete. For example, the year field is missing. If I manually add the article using the DOI in Zotero, a more complete metadata is present. Example article: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abj8030
  • Oddly, Science Advances just doesn't export the date to the RIS format Zotero uses for import. We can try to compensate for this somehow -- it's available elsewhere, but they should really fix this.

    (If you click on the cite icon and then look at RIS, you only see today's date in Y2, nothing in Y1. Compare that with articles on Science, which have Y1 (in addition to the redundant PY and DA))

  • Thanks for the insight. I understand the issue is on the journal end and not Zotero. Currently whenever I see this issue, I just manually add using DOI and merge with previous item.

    Another journal is Small Methods. E.g. article: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smtd.202101546
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