Does Zotero work with the online version of Word in Office 365?
When I try to work with my document in the cloud on Office 365, I can’t see any Zotero link or icon even though I have Zotero installed on my laptop with a plug-in for my installed Word program.
As a linux person, this would my only option as WPS does not have a plugin either or wine MSoffice does not work anymore.
With respect to Linux, you could use Word Online while your colleagues handle the citations in Word Desktop. This is unfortunately a problem that LibreOffice development has not kept pace with modern commercial word processing tools.
I use google docs with zotero, but using office365 would help on the people that like to use things just because they always had (MS office).
I don't understand the point of any of your comments, or what they aim to achieve.
The request was: - We would like a plugin for online office365 and zotero, if you don't have a use, I don't see why other people wouldn't, and you'd come trolling here with your other preferences, we don't comment on their validity either.
Thanks for the insights @adomasven - this sounds (a bit) promising.
Es posible trabajar con Google Drive + FreeFileSinc + Zotero + LibreOffice, todo esto bajo Ubuntu, el asunto es que sólo puede puede editar una persona a la vez, dos o más personas en simultáneo no ha sido posible. El documento debe ser nativo de LibreOffice con extensión odt.
Still I would love to have zotero (or actually any citation tool at all) in the web version of word...
I assume it should be here by the end of the year? @dstillman @adomasven
Please let me know if there's anyway to opt in some type of beta testing
You'll need to wait for the Word Online plugin, yes.Sorry, see below. (You would of course need to wait for the Word Online plugin to add/edit Zotero citations, though.)I am not sure why Microsoft has designed their Word Online editor that way.
At the risk of being yelled at, I have to ask if there's been any updates on Word Online plug-in...
Apologies and thank you in advance.