Better Bibtex: Initializing \\ Waiting for Zotero database

This discussion was created from comments split from: zotero unresponsive and stuck at loading items (solution found).
  • I removed the prefs.js and restarted zotero, it still gets stuck at loading items, also showing message box "Better Bibtex: Initializing \\ Waiting for Zotero database". Is there other approach to fix this issue? Such breakdown always happen just before a deadline, it is driving me insane.
  • edited March 6, 2022
    @jianzhuhuai: You should report issues with BBT to the BBT developer on GitHub.
  • I'd be glad to help, but I do indeed need an issue to be opened on github.
  • No issue yet. I can't fix a problem I don't know about.
  • No worries. I solved the problem by replacing zotero.sqlite by its backup zotero.sqlite.bak (and of course rename it). Changes to zotero in the last two days were lost, but it is better than a ruined lib.
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