Linked Attachment Base Directory / Data Directory Location - same paths don't work

I am building my Windows 10 again from scratch on a new harddisk, while the old installation is also available, both disks in a swaprack. So I had to install also my Zotero, which works on 2 desktops and one laptop, attachments are synced to a webdav nextcloud server, works well for all the 3 machines. I ran into a problem which I could not solve.
In one working machine under Edit > Preferences > Advanced I have the same paths in both fields there visible: The "Linked Attachment Base Directory" and the "Data Directory Custom" > Custom.
I tried the same on the new system and always get the error message that these two paths cannot be the same, although they are the same in the other working installation.
Zotero versions are the same
What am I missing?
  • You're misunderstanding these settings.

    If you're using webDAV, don't set a linked attachment base directory at all. You're not using linked files, so you don't need relative links for them. If you were using links, these would definitely have to be to files outside the Zotero data directory, which is why the two locations can't be the same. I'm guessing the check runs only when you set the directories and is a more recent addition, which is why it's not flagged in your old system.

    FWIW, there's also no strong reason for you to have a custom data directory location (nor does having one set on computer A mean you need one on computer B), though it also doesn't do any harm, typically.
  • Thank You very much for your quick reply. The custom data directory is what I have always used before according to my habits, it has the same structure on all my machines, that's the only reason. So I leave the "Links Attachment Base Directory Empty" and will see.
  • Yesterday I checked on my other desktop in another place and there was nothing entered in the "Linked Attachment Base Directory" either. So the entry in the other machine definitely is only a dead remnant of an old version
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