Why do comment markers come in 2 different sizes in Zotero PDF reader?

I am greatly appreciative of the new (beta) ability to read and markup PDFs from within the Zotero desktop app. However, I'm curious as to why the "sticky note" icon used to mark the presence of comments on the PDF comes in two different sizes. The larger size is, in my opinion, much larger than optimal.

Here is an example screenshot with one small icon on the top and two large ones on the bottom:


I am running Zotero 6.0-beta.1+c6d03753f on MacOS 10.15.2.
  • (Note that I am not talking about the "mini" sticky-note icons that are used to indicate that a piece of highlighted test has a comment attached. I am talking about the two distinct sizes of stand-alone comments.)
  • @jessriedel Are the larger ones made with iOS app? If not, in what circumstances they appear?
  • Ahh, good thought. I just checked by making a couple test comments. As you suspected, the smaller ones are MacOS and the larger ones are iOS. Is this purposeful?
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