Zotero citation does not work in Google docs when the document already has footnotes

I am trying to edit an existing document in google docs, but it does not work. After several tries I opened an empty google doc file, and in that I could make Zotero citation.

I made manual footnotes in the problematic document before uploading and I wanted to make citation with Zotero in google docs. I think that if the file already has footnotes, then uploading to the cloud, Zotero simply does not able to access existing footnotes.
I also have problem with that during uploading and downloading the zotero references become non-editable within the program. :(
Does anyone have solution for this type of problem?
(discussion started: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/81459/zotero-showing-on-google-docs-but-not-working/p1 )
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