[Beta:] Note editor: buggy display, missing list feature

edited February 6, 2022
In the current zotero beta, there are some problems with the new note editor:

1) Case of a note open in a separate window: when this window is widened, the new horizontal space is just blank on the left and right. The space is not used by the note editor.

2) Button for lists (bullets etc.) seems to be missing. Current clumsy workaround is to copy some html list from elsewhere into the note.

3) Small stuff: the background colors for text seem to be overly intense, making the foreground text a bit difficult to read.

Thanks for the new find-and-replace feature: much better than the old one!
  • For question 2), the buttons are missing.
    However you can find them when you drop down Aa icon, listed like Bulleted List, Numbered List.
  • edited February 6, 2022
    Thank you !
    Somehow I overlooked this. My apologies. Solves the list-problem.
  • You can also just use "*", "-", and "1." plus a space at the start of lines to create lists.
  • edited February 6, 2022
    Thanks for the useful info.
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