Help !!

Report ID: 940726572
[JavaScript Error: "Error: Only 0 translators present in cache. Resetting
at Object.init (chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/translators.js:85:20)
at Object.update (chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/translators.js:264:47)
at Object.update (chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/repo.js:102:29)
at async chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/repo.js:49:6"]

I've been loosing my head for an hour, don't know why but I can't make the ZOtero connector to work, i've searched in all the forum without any luck ....
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